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You had your party and everyone had a great time! Even using our Party Planner, you are most likely going to end up with a little extra paint. We know you are going to want to host another canvas painting party in the future so we just need to give you some ideas for storing that paint until it's party-time yet again!

Flea markets are the perfect place to find paint storage solutions. Here, we are using a vintage wooden toolbox to corral those paints and brushes. The nice thing about this option is that it is highly portable! Just bring it out the next time you want to put paint to canvas!


 Another flea market find is a soda crate. Divided crates are a great way to store your paints sideways making it easy to see the colors you have through the bottoms. You could even remove part of the dividers and store the brushes in it as well.

 A high-sided basket will work great as well! Simple use a mason jar or other tall container to hold the brushes and add your paint bottles. Add a bit more whimsy and style by attaching a creative label to the front.

 Utensil holders are another great portable option for storing paints and brushes. You can find these anywhere and inexpensive ones can be picked up at dollar stores. For a party, you could even put all the supplies for each guest into one small tote and put their name on it as both a placeholder as well as custom party favor!

We want to know how you store your painting supplies when you aren't being creative with them! Share them on social media with us using #socialartworking or leave your ideas in the comments below for a chance to be featured.