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Kid parties can be quite an ordeal and quickly can get out-of-hand! Here are a few of our tried-and-true tips for you to use the next time you find yourself planning a soiree for the kids in your life!

  1. When filling out invitations, be sure and add an end time. This puts a cap on the fun before melt-downs can occur and lets parents plan naps for little ones or how many errands they can run during an older kid's party.
  2. Check your child's best friend's schedule before settling on a party date. If their best buddy won't be able to make it, it just won't be the same. If possible, schedule at a time when you know that V.I.P. can make it!
  3. Entertainment can be tricky. The younger the kids, the shorter the attention span. Plan a few fun, structured party games at the beginning to get everyone in the mood.
  4. To open presents or not to open presents? That is the question. For a larger party where the kids are off having a great time, don't stop the fun to have everyone watch junior open gifts. If you do open gifts at the party, serve cake and ice cream first so that guests can enjoy their refreshments during present opening.
  5. All kids love party favors and most parents hate them. Instead of a bag full of candy and small trinkets that can be lost, invest in one larger item. A few ideas could be sidewalk chalk for a summer party, paints or boxes of crayons for an art party, or even larger containers of bubbles.
  6. Serve easy-to-eat finger foods to avoid having to have cutlery. Kids also tend to be grazers at parties since they are too excited to really sit down and eat a large meal.
  7. Ask a friend or family member who is good with a camera to take pictures during the party. You will be far too busy entertaining to get all the shots you would really like. Make sure you tell your volunteer shutterbug any "must-haves" before the day of the party.
  8. Plan to be ready 30 minutes before the time on the invitation. This takes care of those that come early and allows you to kick your feet up a few minutes before the fun (and chaos) begins.