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Our popular "Halloween Hill" design gets a new look for this season! It has been simplified for a quicker painting time and the palette has been warmed up for a different look for your decor.

You must purchase the original pattern and instructions to be able to complete this version.

Colors Needed:

  • Burnt Sienna
  • Chrome Orange
  • Chrome Yellow
  • Mars Black
  • Raw Sienna
  • Raw Umber
  • Titanium White
  • Venetian Red
  • Violet
  • Yellow Oxide

 For TRANSFER PATTERN – Part One: Trace and transfer pattern onto painted canvas, omitting tree, cat, fence, and pumpkin stem (but including owl and branch it sits on).


  • Use Titanium White (painting around owl and branch it sits on), Yellow Oxide, Venetian Red, Violet, and Mars Black (in that order, beginning the center and working outward), blending between each color, to create gradient sky.

 For TRANSFER PATTERN – Part Two: Trace and transfer tree, fence, cat, and pumpkin stem onto canvas.


  • For Bullet 1- Use Mars Black to paint tree, cat, owl, and fence.
  • For Bullet 2- Use mix of Raw Umber, Titanium White, and small amount Mars Black for highlight pattern lines on tree, minimal details/highlights on cat, owl, and fence, and to paint grass along fence line.
  • For Bullet 3- Use mix of Titanium White and small amount of Yellow Oxide for cat and owl eyes.



  • For Bullet 3 – Use mix of Venetian Red and Yellow Oxide for top ¼ of pumpkin, blending into previous bullet.
  • Omit Bullet 4.


  • For Bullet 1 – Use Raw Sienna and Raw Umber.
  • For Bullet 2 - Add mix of Yellow Oxide and Titanium white for additional highlighted grass.
  • Omit Bullets 3, 4, and 5.


  • For Bullet 1- Use mix of Raw Umber and a small amount of Mars Black for stem.
  • For Bullet 2- Add small amount of Titanium White to mix from Bullet 1. Use mix for highlight lines pumpkin stem.
  • For Bullet 3- Use Titanium White and small amount of Yellow Oxide with water, to create wash for highlights on pumpkin and stem only.

